Cell Phone Policy

As a result of the ever increasing development and use of technology, student use of cell phones and personal listening devices during class time has increased to a point where the educational process is being compromised. In an effort to limit disruptions to the learning environment, students will be expected to adhere to the following:

Students are not permitted to operate cell phones, Ipods, walkmen, or similar electronic devices during class and instructional time. If a student is observed using the above mentioned electronic devices, they can be confiscated and turned over to the Assistant Principal. Such devices will be returned to the student at the end of the school day. Continued infractions will lead to additional consequences. Repeat offenders will have the devices confiscated and returned only after a parent meeting. If there is an emergency and you need to contact your child, please call the central office at (973) 887-0300.

Students who continue to use cell phones and personal listening devices in class or who persist in violating the dress policy will be subject to disciplinary action.